Mon, 13 Mar
|An Crùbh
Mother's Wellbeing Group
A space for mums to find some time for themselves with gentle movement and mindfulness. Child minding providing in an adjoining space to allow children aged 0 - 4 years to play or join in with the movement.
Date & Time
13 Mar 2023, 10:30 – 12:00
An Crùbh, Sleat, Isle of Skye IV43 8QU, UK
About the event
We're happy to say that our much loved Mother's Wellbeing Groups are back for 5 sessions. You can book your place for any of the upcoming dates and the tickets for these events are free, howevet, there is an option to donate if you would like. These donations go towards holding more Mother's Wellbeing Groups in the future.
We will have different yoga facilitators over the 5 sessions, who will be guiding the mother's through some gentle movement and relaxation. Followed by some time to connect and chat with other local mums over some tea and biscuits.
Same as our previous sessions we will also be provding child - minding if necessary, this will be a soft sensory space for the babies and toddlers. As with our previous sessions the little ones are more than welcome to join mum on the mat to play, listen and try out the moves too!
Summer Mothers Wellbeing Group
This is a free event, however, if you would like to make a donation it will go towards holding more Mother's Wellbeing Groups in the future. Thank you!
Pay what you wantSale ended